a couple of days ago my friend posted an article titled 'saya benci orang kelantan'..and the effects of the article was awesome..somehow he managed to make our blog as famous as saifulislam.com...hihi
i was smiling when i read all those comments and those comments forced my friend to remove the article but to certain extent, there are still people chasing him in his friendsters trying to express their unsatisfied feelings.
i'm from kelantan and as most of u r,i dont agree with that article neither. He expressed his thought about us, kelantan's people are assobiyah.i strongly deny that and the word assobiyah wass to harsh to be impacted on us.
however, all those comments made me think twice guys...to certain extent there are still the marks of jahiliyyah in our people..one commentator said that 'kalau cidot pergi kelantan nanti tak cukup sifat la dia'...what the fish???is that what we want to prove???kelantan's people are gedebe???'belaja je oversea tp mentality kelas ketiga'..what??r u better than him??
come on guys...i dont agree with him neither but thats not the way we react..we must prove that what he said was totally wrong..we must not be very sensitive as if we are assobiyah (sape makan cili dia akan terasa pedasnya)...if we dont,there is nothing that we need to be worried about...(somehow i still disagree with him.hehe)
i think we must say, i'm not like that n i'm going to prove it...i remembered one song sang by dawud wharnsby ali based on one hadith..that song was about our beloved prophet muhammad and an old woman. our prophet lent his hand to help that woman to carry her loads. but along the way she kept on talking about bad things to our prophet. do u guys know what our prophet did??did he scold that old woman???no guyssss..thats not what our prophet did..He just smile along the way and try to amuse that woman..at the end of the road where they r going apart, that woman asked our prophet his name..that woman was so in shock to know that the man that he said all the bad things was the man who helped her...and at the end, that woman embraced islam..it was a nice story...
we proud to be born in kelantan and live there.we proud that we are living in the state that produced hundreds of ulama' n still producing them..we must prove that we worth to live in the state which also known as 'serambi mekah'..we must prove that we r not assobiyah..we prove that we r true Muslims...
thats all folks...i'll leave u guys with the song i mentioned above..just my 2 cents..u can just ignore my thought if this is totally wrong..peace no war..
aku suka respon kau nie bazli..hehehe..
yezzaaa wany..tenkiu2..ko memang supporter kitorg..hehe
ye la bazli...
sape suh member ngko tu serang org kelantan dulu??
memang la orang kelantan melenting...
sorang dua buat salah, sumer nk kutuk...
x kire la sape2 pon, mesti marah kalu negeri dia kene kutuk...
lenkali, berfikir dulu sebelum bermadah...
jangan fikir yang blajar kat oversea tu korang da cukup pandai untuk menilai orang...
fikir dulu bro...
p/s: ak bukn dak kelantan...
ramai membe ak orang kelantan dan ak paham perasaan diaorang...
waalaikumussalam anonymous
thanks sebab memahami..tak sangka ado jugok ore bukey klate backup sek2 klatey..hehe
bereh boh..selamat maju jayo..
slalu gak pergi kelantan...
carik tudung ngan budu...
kawe bleh gak kecek kelate... =)
Semua orsng ada semangat kenegerian... its not wrong... aku pun semangat kenegerian.... we like to cluster around people from the same background eg negeri, bangsa, negara, jantina, agama.... ACCEPT IT! But to bash this 'cluster' of people for sticking together is not that appropriate/nice/wise...
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