

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Edward Cullen~~

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Aku nih dah lama teringin nk ada super power cam Edward Cullen nih..hahaha...super power dia adalah dia boleh baca fikiran org dia xleh bc pikiran Isabella Swan..hohoho

Tambah-tambah sejak dua menjak nih..huihhhh..tros jadik mengidam..*ish susah betul baca novel omputih nih..kan dan terpengaruh*

Sebenarnyer, tgh 'stress' nih sbb susah betul nk faham org lain..i really wish to get into others 'brain' to know exactly what they are thinking..susah laa nk faham manusia nih..kdg2 kita rasa dia nih cam nih, tp sebenarnyer mcm lain..

Susah betul nk tahu apa yg derang fikir, apa yg derang rasa, apa masalah derang nih..

I cannot make any decision on how to do things sbb xtahu what other's are thinking..

Kalo derang beritahu direct senang laa kan..nih ada yg sepi seribu bahse, tanya tidak menjawab, ada pulak suka memukul di sebalik semak(beat around bushes), susah betul to get to the point walaupun ulang tayang soalan dibuat berpuluh kali, ada pulak dah ckp kt kita apa dia pikir and rasa, tp bila dia bertindak lain pulak dr apa yg dia pikir dan rasa..fuuuhhhhh..complicated betul..

The thing is i don't know how to react to them.. when we don't know things, we tend to do stupid stuffs that annoy others..xnak laa jadik org annoying agak annoying laa bila kita x leh nk interpret what others are thinking...i cannot make a holistic decision because i was left in the dark...

How can i be more of an understanding person..??when i read 7 habits of highly effective people, it says ' Seek to understand to be understood'..i was trying to do that, tetapinya, some people they just won't allow u to understand matter how u wanna understand them, u just cannot..when u cannot understand others, u tend to do silly things..i hate making wrong decision because if it leave impact on me alone, i'm happy enough, but when it involves others, i really dont like it..maybe bender yg belum belajar is, to understand when people dont want to be understood..

So next step is to be Husnuzon..aku cuba nk bersangka baik on everything, but at the same time i need to be cautious and make plans..i need to prevent problems from happening, i need to cope problems from becoming worse..if i merely bersangka baik yg everything will turn out ok, then i'll be a fool doing nothing just praying Allah will change everything sedangkan USAHA=O....Effort is only available when i know what's happening, so that i know what to do..sometimes, we thought we are helping them, but actually we are making things worse for them..sometimes we thought we are being supportive enough, but actually kita membuat derang rimas, we thought we are encouraging them, but actually we are demotivating them..hohoho..

Kene belajar skill memahami manusia..*skang tgh baca Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus*..definitely i'm from Earth...hohoho.sbb aku sedikit pelik dan complicated..i can be definite MARS at time and other time completely susah betul kdg2 nk faham when people are Completely Mars and Completely boleh paham org dari bumi sahaja okayhss...

Any other way how to be more understanding??..Maybe use all ur senses to interpret things..but sometimes Common Sense might be so Uncommon..tapi yg pastinya, we can never understand people completely..Hanya Allah yg tahu dan faham..we can never undertsand people, all we can do is try to be understanding enough..

OK..mari smabung study..banyak lg tuh..



Anonymous said...

i guess just accept others the way they are n insya Allah theyll do the same

Anonymous said...

i guess sometimes we just have to accept people the way they are. be more understandable(?) in fact we cannot understand people all the time. semua org pun ada 'gua' masing2, tak tahu bila diorang nak masuk/keluar.

redhuans said...

Hurmmm..betol2...susah betul konsep2 gua nih..baru tahu ia wujud rupernyer..jzkk kepada anonymous...