Assalamualaikum semua....apa khabar adik2 dirumah..tentunya sihat-sihat belaka (gaya ala2 pengacara kids show)..muahahaha...i wanna make a new segment to share my experience in Cambodia with you guys..so there wud be like a few episodes laaa...so today, as to kick off i would like to start with the things that i've done and experienced even before landed on Cambodia..i mean to say our donation drive effort..
Since most of the team members are from Cork, so we have the advantage of doing something big in Cork to raise fund for Cambodia..so we started with brainstroming session and task division...a few events that were planned were carried out very well, while some others did not..
I was 'inspired' to do a charity dinner and auction from a Korean drama that i was watching at that time..so i thought why not we try to do one here, in Cork...i thought the road is gonna be smooth and easy like in the drama, sure the drama is all a fantasy...huhuhu..fuhhhh..to organise the event alone, really it takes everything out of me...u know, i'm the kind of guy who doesnt have much experience in event management wutsoever..so i thought it was tough..
The first problem we encounter was to find the suitable place for the event..it was the exam season, so most of the good places were used for the exam...at first i thought of giving up but i've considered to use community hall in Cork but still we dont have luck in it..then we have to settled to just a room able to accomodate up to 70 people..i thought how the hell am i gonna make a charity dinner with performances, and to sell donated cloths and product there..but thanks to Allah, He made it easy for us...
the dinner was a hustle..i mean it is a small event yet so many things to do..we have to cook the meal, have to organize the performances and mcm2 lg laa..thanks a lot to Fahmi, volunteering himself to be the Chief Chef..hehehehe..and to the band who were willing to practice and perform..the big thanks to their manages Mr Pendi aaa..wahahaha.and to Shidi's Cute children for their fun performance.....the charity auction went verry well...Corkians were verry supportive..they bid and bid and fight tooth and nail to win the auctioned products...i like i like..verrryyy much..hihihi..almost all of the products up for auction were taken..the girls we fighting to get the trackmil..Adi and kak Saadah were fighting to get the binder...me and the dentistry students were fighting over a rug..and it was very exciting..you keep on wanting to raise ur bid to win without realizing the price already rocketting...most of the price tripple or quadraple from the starting bidding price..i like i like..the event gave us a lot..estimated around Euro 600...

Mereka sgt comeyyy
Most of the products up for auction were donated by Corkians..thanks to Fahmi again, we managed to get a lot of cool things from him...we also collected clothes and books for our next Jumbo Sale..we used Rumah Chimes to put all the stuffs, to cook and all...Sorry and thankss to 'Chimers' allowing us to mess up with your house...hihi..
Besides, we also collected a lot of donated stuff from Corkians but mostly clothes..they were a lot enuff to occupy every inch of shazif's room...then we have to sort them out and we sold them..first at Cork Mosque Family day..we gained a lot from that day oso...
Forgot to mention that we collected money after friday prayer in Cork Mosque and we managed to collect more than Euro 700...they were so generous... i like i like...
forgot to mention also..we borrowed Shuk's car for i dont know how many times..and its for free yerr..sian Bazli yg terpaksa menebalkan muka meminjam kereta Shuk's..tengss Bali..lap u...wahahaha....tengs Shuk juga sbb bagi pinjam keter..
But the most stressing part is definitely the Dublin Tour and Jumbo Sale...it was a pain from the beginning..i was handling things with anis mai to get her arranged stuffs regarding Dublin trip there..pity her..she has to call again and again just to book and cancel..book again and cancel..hihi..i dont know why i insisted on this Dublin Tour despite other's negative comments about it..i don't know what happenned in Cork at that time but all car rent services ran out of car..can you believe it...??ALL...we didn't get a car while everything already planned and arranged..mmg stress gilerr..and finally we have to postponed it to another week...we tried to borrow from Corkians having car of their own but came to no success...i was already down to my knee trying to figure out how to solve that..cause all in my mind were, i have to do this Trip whatever it is..Fortunately the next week we managed to get a a car and then we were off to Dublin...things in Dublin didn't do so well either..Halal shops tour were not really a success...we only manage to get Euro 100 or so...The Jumbo sale in Dublin Mosque also were very poor..and i was hoping to get a lot of money form after jumaat collection..but we failed to do even in 1 Mosque..Clonskeagh Mosque were out of the list..RCSI doesnt allowed non-student to enter, Dublin Mosque were raising fund for Pakistan..so we get back to Cork with just about Euro 250..not much and didn't worth the effort at all...but i still think positive...this is Allah's plan..i think this big failure really got a toll on me..yer laa..aku dah bersemangat waja dan tergediks2 nak jugak wat Dublin Tour nih kan..and then it was a failure..of kos i'm sad..walopun kener marah ngan shazif supaya tidak bersedih, but i just cant let it off...but still ALLah knows best...i'll learn a lot from failure..
that were some of the experiences of our fundraising effort in Cork...it taught me a lot..how to cope with failure, how to be grateful with success..how to overcome weaknesses..my weak point surely people around me..i easily affected with people's negative attitude and critics..the people around me will definitely bring me down..most of my time, i was thinking about the people working with me..thinking of how to let my anger out to them..thinking of how to motivate them, thinking of how to persuade them, thinking of how to force them, and of kos thinking how to maki-maki them sometimes...not sometimes..most of the timess..i fell like nak maki jer sumer org yg get in my way..yg suka wat annoying act malas bekerja, negative attitude..tetapi Alahamdulillah tahap kesabaran saya masih tinggi..saya bersabar jer laa ngan karenah mereka..i was trying really hard not to let them affect me so much..hahaha..at that time i told myself..if i dont change, some day i will definitely being brought down by people's negative attitude..people will affect me to my failure..i'm not so much affected with circumstances like we dont get car, we were unlucky, and all...but i got affected in a very big way by people..i will be motivated if people are, and i will feel down if people are..i need people around me with the correct attitude so they will push me up not bring me down...
it was the most stressful experience so far, but i'm liking every moment of it and by miles my favourite experience..hihihi...walopun sgt penat tp sgt berpuas hati...
i would like to thank My driver and best supporter and worker, Incik Bazli..hahaa..My very hardwoking and sleepless Bos, Incik Shazipan, My hand and feet in Dublin, Cik Anis Mai, My budak kecik yg berani marah saya tetapi sanggup berjaga mlm letak tag harga kt baju, Cik Tengku Atique, My Gossip girl yg suka berhibur dan selalu menghiburkan saya, Cik Wany, My Cik Diana yg struggle pergi print macam2 kt UCC sbb aku malas nk gi UCC..hihihi..thank you verry much...u guys make a verry good team...
it was a great learning experience kan kan. dikesempatan ini saya juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada encik Nazira dan encik Aliyah kerana menjadi sukarelawan drivers, sehari suntuk bawak keta...and Kak Yan and husband yang pinjamkan kereta yg diorang rent..huhu..kalau takde mereka2 ini mesti kelam kabut gile that night. Jazakumullah!
...kesian saya, sentiasa dipanggil budak kecik walau sekolah mana pergi, walaupun ada budak2 kecik yg lagi kecik contohnya Bali. haha tiba2.
go team crm09!~
hahaha..sorry kat kak yan ngan hubby dia sbb kita dah calarkan keta sewa derang..hihihi...
ok laa dua2 budak kicik..haha
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