

Friday, November 5, 2010

Learn The Hard Way~

Assalamualaikum wbt.. i was just a scum of grilled-chicken (bahasa apa nih). My topic presentation was so bad that the tutor keep asking me question after question trying to get me to understand where i did wrong. I supposed i'm not so unlucky even when all other student did not get any single question from the tutor and everyone did 'well done', as she said. I supposed i'm not so unlucky even when she seems to pick on me, very hard i supposed.

I know i felt very bad today. Of course anyone will be sad and embarrassed. You just have to be there to know how embarrassed i was when the centre of the attention shifted to you in a negative way when you did bad enough in your presentation. (Tapi x nangis ok..jgn memandai buat skandal mata merah.Tuh sebab x cukop tidur..haha). arghhhh x larat nk tulis dalam english walaupun berazam nk improve english..Sebabkan dah lewat malam so tulis dalam Bahasa Ibunda sahaja.

Saya sangat malu dan sedih sebab presentation saya yang paling teruk antara semua orang. Hohoho..Sebelum present tuh aku dah doa dah tolong laaa Dr Su jangan tanya dia bukan setakat tanya, malahan interrogate macam pesalah..wahaha..Exxagerate di situ...Macam semua org lain dpt good comment..aku she said it in a nice way pun..x reti dah nk describe event tadi..

But that's not the point really. Sadness, embarrassement and all will go away in a few hours or days. But the fact there's something that i've learnt today, maybe it is forever. Sometimes, we just have to learn the hard way..It's life anyway..

I've learnt a lot of life lesson the hard way. Making mistakes and then being taught the hard's a very good life lesson. Allah is definitely the best teacher. He teaches me the hard way to understand life, to get on with life, and above of all, to live a good life..

Bila buat salah then Allah bagi ujian untuk belajar, itulah masa terbaik untuk belajar. Kalau tak buat salah kompom x belajar. Tapi mmg laa susah, mmg laa sedih, mmg laa rasa-rasa putus it's part of learning..

Kalau kita tgk balek hidup kita, terlalu banyak pelajaran yg kita pelajari dengan cara kesusahan. Kesusahan adalah metod pendidikan terbaik. Tapi bukanlah setiap masa belajar dengan cara begitu.

Firman Allah,

" Allah memberi pengajaran kepada kamu, supaya kamu tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang sedemikian ini selama-lamanya, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang beriman." (An-Nur :17)

Owh banyaknya nk dalam kepala, tp x reti nk tulis camna..hehe..Lesson of the day : if you are being taught by life the hard way, you shoud be very thankful instead of whining over and over again..:)

Way to go Fourth Year~~~!!!

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